Sunday, November 9, 2008

Guatemala Update

What a long and eventful week! We had our anniversary, Election Day, and lots and lots going on at work.

It's hard to believe that we will be traveling to Guatemala next month!

I've got an assortment of things already, including lots of stuffed animals from Tricia, hotel shampoos and soaps I've been collecting over the past six months, a backpack, and some small toys.

My mom has been diligently collecting some items, which she'll bring at Thanksgiving, and a few other people have offered to give us things to bring down. Thank you all very much for your efforts!

If you'd like to get involved, Michael and I still have room in our suitcases!

I know it's a difficult economic time, so I'm really only looking for things you might have lying around your home.

If you have any gently used items that you have no need for, we would be happy to take them down.

Here are some possibilties:
-Any kind of children's toys (small and light are best)
-Children's books in Spanish
-Puzzles and educational games in Spanish
-Babies' and children's clothing
-Sheets to fit a full-size bed
-Large suitcases (we actually need several to haul the donations down there that we can just leave in Guatemala)

In addition (unused items):
-Hotel or travel-sized toiletries, such as soap and shampoo
-Underwear and socks
-Medical supplies, such as first aid items, pain medications, and veterinary medications (even expired is ok, as long as expiration date is within a year)

If you have anything else you would like to donate, please let us know! You can email me at


K said...

Hi Holly!

We will donate bed sheets and underwear, as we all know how important those items are ;)

To make light of things, here's Javi's 'favorite' Latin pun:

"Semper ubi sub ubi"
(Always where under-where)

We'll go with that theme ;)
-Kristine & Javi

Holly said...

Thank you so much, Kristine and Javi! That is so kind of you!